
Plugs for all our products. Check the list below and find the right plug for your Gymnic product.
Contact us for further informationProduct specification
A Over Ball
B Core Balance / Disco Dome / Disco Sport / Movin’ Step / Multiactiv Stones / Sit On Air
C Over Ki / Softgym Over
D Activ Roll / Multi Training / Stability Wheel / Trigger Roll
E Training Bowl
F Megaball
G Activity Ball / Body Ball / Comfort’a’Back / Disc’o’Sit / Disc’o’Sit Jr. / Fit-Ball / Fit Roller / Gyffy / Gym Ball / Gymnic Arte / Gymnic Classic / Gymnic Plus / Hop / Hop Fantasy / Jinglin’ Ball / Kody / Memory Ball / Movin’ Sit / Movin’ Sit Jr. / Oppy / Opti Ball / Physio Activity Roll / Physio Gymnic / Physio Gymnic Plus / Physio Roll / Physio Roll Plus / Pony / Raffy / Rody / Rody Magical Unicorn / Rody Max / Sens’o’Roll / Sit’n’Gym / Sit’n’Gym Jr. / Sit’n’Gym Perla / Soffy / Therasensory / Training Roll / Vita Roll
H Inflation adapter compatible with the products with G-type plug.
Data sheet
REF. 99.42
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